

kapacitor define house -tick house.tick -type stream -dbrp house.autogen `type也可以是batch`
kapacitor show house `查看任务的信息`
kapacitor enable house
# house.tick
|eval(lambda: float("Global_active_power") * 1000.0 / 60.0 - float("Sub_metering_1") - float("Sub_metering_2") - float("Sub_metering_3"))



var trigger = data |alert() .crit(lambda: “value” > 4) .message(‘Alert: power consumption’) .id(‘Power_Consumption_Rule’ + ‘:’) .idTag(‘alertID’) .levelTag(‘level’) .messageField(‘message’) .durationField(‘duration’) .details(‘The error of power consumption is greater than the threshold(6Wh)’) .email(‘lee_jiazh@163.com’, ‘qingquan@xiaogu-tech.com’)

trigger |influxDBOut() .create() .database(‘httpTest’) .retentionPolicy(‘autogen’) .measurement(‘httptest’) .tag(‘alertName’, ‘test_http’) .tag(‘triggerType’, ‘threshold’)

trigger |httpPost(‘https://xg-grafana.herokuapp.com/api/test’)

功能:向目标Post 一个Http请求,当trigger后向InfluxDB写数据。
1. InfluxDB 数据

time alertID alertName duration level message metric triggerType value —- ——- ——— ——– —– ——- —— ———– —– 1511323486959072129 Power_Consumption_Rule:nil test_http 0 CRITICAL Alert: power consumption ljz threshold 18.4 1511323498954461470 Power_Consumption_Rule:nil test_http 11995389341 CRITICAL Alert: power consumption ljz threshold 27.96666666666667

2. Http Post的数据:
{ series: 
     [ { name: 'house',
          { alertID: 'Power_Consumption_Rule:nil',
            level: 'CRITICAL',
            metric: 'ljz' },
         columns: [ 'time', 'duration', 'message', 'value' ],
          [ [ '2017-11-22T05:14:26.541257857Z',
              'Alert: power consumption',
              20.733333333333334 ] ] } ],
    _id: '3oTa37s9Uva9swx5' },


Udf 实践

  1. 写一个python2脚本,名为ttest.py,放在/tmp/kapacitor_udf中。
  2. 从github上克隆下依赖的python-agent包。
    git clone https://github.com/influxdata/kapacitor.git /tmp/kapacitor_udf/kapacitor
  3. 修改配置文件(/etc/kapacitor/kapacitor.conf),PYTHONPATH为以来的目录中的两个py文件。
         # Run python
         prog = "/usr/bin/python2"
         # Pass args to python
         # -u for unbuffered STDIN and STDOUT
         # and the path to the script
         args = ["-u", "/tmp/kapacitor_udf/ttest.py"]
         # If the python process is unresponsive for 10s kill it
         timeout = "10s"
         # Define env vars for the process, in this case the PYTHONPATH
             PYTHONPATH = "/tmp/kapacitor_udf/kapacitor/udf/agent/py"
  4. 安装agent依赖的环境和包 ``` apt install python-pip python2 -m pip install six scipy

安装protocol buffer

wget https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases/download/v3.5.0/protobuf-all-3.5.0.zip unzip -o protobuf-python-3.5.0.zip cd protobuf-3.5.0/ ./configure make make install export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=”/usr/local/lib”



git clone https://github.com/google/protobuf.git unzip protobuf-master.zip cd protobuf-master/python/ python2 setup.py build python2 setup.py install

4. 重启kapacitor
5. 写一个TICKscript脚本
// This TICKscript monitors the three temperatures for a 3d printing job,
// and triggers alerts if the temperatures start to experience abnormal behavior.

// Define our desired significance level.
var alpha = 0.001

// Select the temperatures measurements
var data = stream

    //Run our tTest UDF on the hotend temperature
        // specify the hotend field
        // Keep a 1h rolling window
        // pass in the alpha value
        .crit(lambda: "pvalue" < alpha)

// Do the same for the bed and air temperature.
        .crit(lambda: "pvalue" < alpha)

        .crit(lambda: "pvalue" < alpha)
  1. 写产生测试数据的脚本 ```python #!/usr/bin/python2

from numpy import random from datetime import timedelta, datetime import sys import time import requests

Target temperatures in C

hotend_t = 220 bed_t = 90 air_t = 70

Connection info

write_url = ‘http://localhost:9092/write?db=printer&rp=autogen&precision=s’ measurement = ‘temperatures’

def temp(target, sigma): “”” Pick a random temperature from a normal distribution centered on target temperature. “”” return random.normal(target, sigma)

def main(): hotend_sigma = 0 bed_sigma = 0 air_sigma = 0 hotend_offset = 0 bed_offset = 0 air_offset = 0

# Define some anomalies by changing sigma at certain times
# list of sigma values to start at a specified iteration
hotend_anomalies =[
    (0, 0.5, 0), # normal sigma
    (3600, 3.0, -1.5), # at one hour the hotend goes bad
    (3900, 0.5, 0), # 5 minutes later recovers
bed_anomalies =[
    (0, 1.0, 0), # normal sigma
    (28800, 5.0, 2.0), # at 8 hours the bed goes bad
    (29700, 1.0, 0), # 15 minutes later recovers
air_anomalies = [
    (0, 3.0, 0), # normal sigma
    (10800, 5.0, 0), # at 3 hours air starts to fluctuate more
    (43200, 15.0, -5.0), # at 12 hours air goes really bad
    (45000, 5.0, 0), # 30 minutes later recovers
    (72000, 3.0, 0), # at 20 hours goes back to normal

# Start from 2016-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
# This makes it easy to reason about the data later
now = datetime(2016, 1, 1)
second = timedelta(seconds=1)
epoch = datetime(1970,1,1)

# 24 hours of temperatures once per second
points = []
for i in range(60*60*24+2):
    # update sigma values
    if len(hotend_anomalies) > 0 and i == hotend_anomalies[0][0]:
        hotend_sigma = hotend_anomalies[0][1]
        hotend_offset = hotend_anomalies[0][2]
        hotend_anomalies = hotend_anomalies[1:]

    if len(bed_anomalies) > 0 and i == bed_anomalies[0][0]:
        bed_sigma = bed_anomalies[0][1]
        bed_offset = bed_anomalies[0][2]
        bed_anomalies = bed_anomalies[1:]

    if len(air_anomalies) > 0 and i == air_anomalies[0][0]:
        air_sigma = air_anomalies[0][1]
        air_offset = air_anomalies[0][2]
        air_anomalies = air_anomalies[1:]

    # generate temps
    hotend = temp(hotend_t+hotend_offset, hotend_sigma)
    bed = temp(bed_t+bed_offset, bed_sigma)
    air = temp(air_t+air_offset, air_sigma)
    points.append("%s hotend=%f,bed=%f,air=%f %d" % (
        (now - epoch).total_seconds(),
    now += second

# Write data to Kapacitor
r = requests.post(write_url, data='\n'.join(points))
if r.status_code != 204:
    print >> sys.stderr, r.text
    return 1
return 0

if name == ‘main’: exit(main())

7. 运行

kapacitor define print_temps -type stream -dbrp printer.autogen -tick print_temps.tick kapacitor enable print_temps cat /tmp/kapacitor_udf/{hotend,bed,air}_failure.log ```